How To Burn Calories While Playing With Your Kids

IMG_20160425_141240OK It’s a beautiful Saturday morning around 10am and you say I feel like hitting the gym. So you get ready, jump in the car, get the kids dressed, drive to the location, sign the kids into the daycare then start working out. Now the process of doing that and driving to the gym may take you 20 minutes to an hour depending on the person. Not only does this consume time, it takes time away from your kids and will probably cost you more to put your kids in a care area for that time. Good news is you can burn hundreds of calories just by spending quality time playing with your kids.


Here is a basic low down of what I am talking about. A 160 lb. person can burn an average of 400 calories in 30 minutes by swimming and playing with your kids. If you decide to run around with them playing tag, Frisbee, or soccer for example you can jump the calorie burn to over 500! Now if you are looking to lose weight, maintain weight or just lean down, this will all be beneficial to you. It has a good cardio aspect to it because it takes some endurance to play with kids and their high energy levels! This in turn will help keep your heart going longer and stronger, increase your metabolism plus help you have more energy in the long run.


Another aspect to keep in mind is that this not only helps you, it helps your children! Whether you believe it or not having fun is equivalent or if not better then exercising based on calories.
If you sit around all day and do nothing then your kids will probably do nothing. So why not help promote your kids to be active while they are young to give them an entire life of benefits when they are older. They may run around the house but if you don’t do things with them then they may just stay inside and play with their computer, tablets or video games all day. I know because my kids would do the same if I don’t keep them active. Also once you start you realize that it’s fun! You have an excuse to be a kid yourself and the smile you will see on your children’s faces having fun is priceless! IMG_20160425_131757Remember you don’t have to be fit to play with your kids.

Now you have an understanding on how you can benefit yourself and your kids by playing, go ahead and set up a time this week to do something fun with them. There is no exact science to doing this but if you are playing soccer or tag just try to keep your body moving. This will keep your heart rate up and the calories burning! When you are tired, don’t stop just slow things down until you catch your breath. If you hate the heat try swimming, if you dislike running try playing catch with a football, if you are really into doing weight training or bootcamps then teach your kids so they can do it with you. A fun thing to try is to physically use them as weights. An example would be putting them on your back when you do pushups, holding a plank, have them on your back/shoulders when you do squats or even lay on your back and do bench presses with them.

In conclusion, there is many ways to learn to have fun and get fit with your kids. You can enjoy life while getting the extra health benefits of exercise for your body and naturally reducing stress. You are rewarded with more quality sleep and time with your kids. This will provide them with the tools to live an active and healthy lifestyle for the years to come.

Learn more about my online workouts and programs you can do from home at https://flexformation.comIMG_20160425_141400