7 Exercises You Can Do Right In Your Chair At Work!

Did you know that sitting long hours without standing or stretching could be dangerous to your health? This may be the usual scenario at work if you are like most of the employees or business owners who are busy with their day-to-day tasks. You may think that exercising daily prior or after work may be enough, but it’s not.

A break in between the long hours of work is necessary to avoid problems such as diabetes or even heart attack. When you sit the whole day, some of its effects in your system include lowering of metabolism, effectiveness of insulin, and fat-reducing enzymes.

Go out and walk around during your coffee break and lunch hours. Take the stairs instead of the elevator too. Aside from these, there are also exercises to do in between that will not require you to leave your chair.

It may feel weird doing these at first, but think of the health benefits that you can get. Plus, you’ll get used to it in no time. Shoulder, arm, and leg stretches are some of these exercises that you can pull off anytime.

We want to help you avoid the health problems that you may encounter due to long hours of uninterrupted sitting. This is why we prepared this useful infographic containing steps that you can try to exercise while on your seat.

Check out this excellent image below that also contains step-by-step guide on how these exercises are done.

7 Exercises You Can Do Right In Your Chair!

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Examples of exercises listed.